Tag Archives: cooking
the infamous kochklub – or, how to make too much food and eat it, too
So these three great friends of mine and I initiated a kochklub, a cooking club. Originally one of these friends cooked for two of the others since they were leaving to study abroad in London. This was 1999… Upon their return, the cooking was established as a regular thing. The rules (of course there are […]
Posted in gaumenfreuden, just recently Also tagged apps, cooking club, food, iPad, shopping, turkish food 2 Comments
meals from the kettle
In Germany, I don’t have a microwave. So if i want something warm to eat but don’t reall feel like cooking, two of my favorite meals come from the kettle. My breakfast, and my late evening dinner. Give it up for……..savory oatmeal! It is hands down the best breakfast ever. To make it in Germany, […]
Posted in gaumenfreuden, just recently Also tagged Avocado, Breakfast, food, Oatmeal, Poached egg, Tools 1 Comment
what a difference a bowl makes…
…if it is round and stainless steel, and generally great and made by WMF. It’s asparagus season, and seeing that my ancestors come from the Oberpfalz *in Bavaria, I have a family obligation to eat as much asparagus as I can. Obviously. Now my man thinks asparagus needs to be eaten with Sauce Hollandaise. Self-made, […]
The Olympic Coffee Games – or: welcome to coffee geek world